
We receive amazing testimonials from our relatives and families, most of which are very heartfelt. A couple of examples are below, but there are many more on our Facebook page.


“I didn’t want to lose my independence by going in to a home. I was sure residential care wasn’t for me, but I had nothing to worry about and am very happy”
– JS, resident


“Our staff stay with us for many years, some over ten, which is uncommon in our field of work. They help create the wonderful atmosphere always found here”
– Paula Peake, Head of Home


“When I had a fall at home and lost my confidence, I decided to come here to live. I’m so glad I did. The food is fantastic and I laugh every day”
– HG, resident

“I feel privileged to be here. People generally do not want to
end up in a care home, but if they have to be, they would want
to be here”
– JC, resident