There’s often a great emphasis placed on independence in society today. Of course it can be a great strength in ploughing your own furrow, in standing on your own two feet and so on.
However, sometimes we may well place too great an emphasis on it. The reality is we don’t exist as independent entities. We need others. Especially as we near the end of life.
At the heart of independence is the ability to make decisions for yourself. However, the desire to remain independent is not always mirrored by the capabilities of older people, who are likely to become less dexterous as time goes by.
To stubbornly hold on to our independence can risk isolation and worse. It can impact on our physical and mental health. It is no sign of weakness to accept help from those in the sector with the experience and expertise to anticipate a need, the willingness to fulfil that need with empathy and to deliver these with respect, which does not patronise.
At Jewish Choice we’re all too conscious, with our heightened care and compassion, that it would be all too easy to get into the habit of doing things for our residents. It’s our natural default to want to help. We always remember that it’s the choices in life that gives all of us our sense of independence. So we aim not to overlook these and give our residents the tools, as well as the motivation, to ensure they optimise the abilities they do have and so aim to maintain as much choice as possible for them.
While ageing often makes independent living difficult and loss of some independence is inevitable, there are three key areas that can be looked to for ways to maintain, if not improve the wellbeing of the older people who choose to make their home with us…
Make each and every resident feel like an individual
Offering multiple opportunities for residents to make choices throughout the day has a big impact on how your relative will feel about themselves.
Maintain balance & strength
Retaining balance and strength is a huge determining factor in your loved one’s ability to stay independent. So it’s important to routinely work on these. Loss of strength and balance can lead to falls.
Retain a sense of purpose
Even if limited by mobility, elderly people can still gain a sense of purpose by involvement in activities and engaging with fellow residents.
When we think of independence, many will think of having choice and living a fulfilling life and so do we. As an independent charity. for close to 300 years, we have been caring for some of the more vulnerable in our Community. Today, we provide that choice through individually focused residential elderly care dedicated to ensuring older age in our care is enjoyed and not endured.
For more information on how our independence is fundamental to our residents independence and wellbeing, contact us now on 020 8908 4151 or email [email protected] for the earliest assessment of your loved ones for a safe admission to Jewish Choice.